A year ago Histon Football Club was pleased to partner with Cambridgeshire Volunteer Bikers (CVB’s) in assisting with the collection of biscuits and mince pies. These items were then taken by the bikers (many of which donned their Father Christmas outfits) to various care facilities and emergency service personnel over Sundays in December.

The idea behind this is a relatively simple one. Regrettably there is a large volume of elderly and disabled people living in assisted care facilities that do not have the social interaction they maybe once had. In order to bring a smile to their face, the CVB’s took it upon themselves to visit these facilities soon before the festive period and engage with these often underappreciated groups of society. Likewise, many of those in our emergency services are under severe strain, and a small token of appreciation and of support can go a long way during a very busy and stressful time of the year. This year the CVB’s will be visiting around 25 care homes for the elderly and disabled, whilst also paying time to see around 14 emergency service sites.

As per a 12 months ago Histon Football Club is delighted to be able to assist with this relatively simple, yet highly valuable cause. There shall be a collection point set up just inside the turnstiles at our next two home fixtures: Saturday November 19th vs Rugby Town and Saturday December 3rd vs Desborough Town. It is simply requested that donations be either packs or tins of biscuits/mince pies with a best before date of after December 31st 2022.

It would be greatly appreciated if you are again able to assist with this worthy cause. Last year we witnessed a tremendous response, which we would all love to see once again!

You can visit Cambridgeshire Volunteer Bikers social media pages via the links below to gather further information on ‘The Great Mince Pie Run’.

Cambridgeshire Volunteer Bikers (@cambsvolbikers) / Twitter
